How to Disable League's Native Jungle Pathing and Skill Overlay
Many users have asked us how to get rid of the red labels that say "Disable League's native jungle pathing" or "Disable League's native skill overlay". First and foremost, it's important to understand that these labels are simply warnings that are always displayed. They won't disappear, but you can follow the steps below to disable the Native Jungle Pathing and Native Skill Overlay.
Disabling Native Skill Overlay
1. Open your League of Legends client.
2. Head into the Interface tab.
3. Scroll down to the Ability and Attack section.
4. Uncheck the box that says Show Spell Recommendation.
Disabling Native Jungle Pathing
1. Open your League of Legends client.
2. Head into the Game tab.
3. Scroll down to the Gameplay section.
4. Uncheck the box that says Display Recommended Jungle path.
By following these steps, you can disable the native jungle pathing and skill overlay in League of Legends. Remember, the red warning labels are there to guide you, and while they won't disappear, you can certainly manage the settings they refer to.