Blitz is a popular platform that provides valuable insights, recommendations, and statistics for players of games like League of Legends, VALORANT, and more. Many users might wonder where Blitz sources its data from to provide these insights. In this article, we'll explain where Blitz gets its game data and how it ensures the accuracy of the information provided.
1. Official Game APIs:
Blitz fetches its data directly from the official APIs provided by game developers, such as Riot's League of Legends API. These APIs offer developers access to a wealth of game data, including player stats, game outcomes, and more. Blitz analyzes this data to provide recommendations, insights, and statistics for its users.
2. Platinum+ Ranked Games:
To ensure the accuracy and relevance of its data, Blitz currently uses information from Platinum+ ranked games worldwide for its default recommendations and stats. By focusing on higher-ranked games, Blitz can provide insights and recommendations that are more likely to help users improve their gameplay.
3. In-Game App:
In addition to the official APIs, Blitz also obtains detailed data from its app that runs while users are playing games. This app collects real-time data, allowing Blitz to provide up-to-date statistics and insights for users during their gaming sessions.
4. No Third-Party Data:
It's important to note that Blitz does not use any stats from other third-party applications or sites. This ensures that the data provided by Blitz is reliable and comes directly from the official game APIs and in-game app. sources its game data directly from official APIs and its in-game app to provide users with accurate and up-to-date insights and recommendations. By focusing on higher-ranked games and not relying on third-party data, Blitz ensures that the information it provides is both reliable and relevant to help users improve their gameplay. If you have any further questions about Blitz's data sources or how it uses this information, feel free to reach out to our support team.